Hi! My name is Dmitry Guryanov. I like photography very much and spend a lot of my time shooting landscapes and portraits. Having graduated from technical university I mostly interested in shooting and image processing technics. Starting from cameras and lenses and how to properly use all that stuff to achieve best results to image postprocessing and color management. In spite of being a technical geek I always try to keep creative part of my photos on the high level.
I use Canon EOS RP with lenses Canon 17-40 f/4.0L, Canon 50 f/1.4, Canon 85 f/1.8 and Canon 135 f/2.0. And I'm not lazy to take a backpack with all that equipment and a tripod to all my trips.
My other projects:
Intellectual photo studio IxShot - http://ixshot.com
Guitar scales generator - http://guryanov.org/scales
Guitar Pickup frequency response curves - http://guryanov.org/pickup-calculator
Article explaining how pickups work (in Russian) - http://guryanov.org/guitar-pickups
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